Sep 02, 2004 22:23
I am at Sarahs. We just got back from a golfcart ride. Tonight, we just hung out, and I went in the tanner. We are having an entertaining evening. Kelly, Jackie, and Maria were supposed to come but they ended up not. Today was a pretty good day. School was alright, and I had fun at our Pep Assembly, and lunch of course. Sarah, Alex and I have a new obsession. Well not really but Nick Awrey is just really hott.
I was a little frusterated though when I was scolded by Mrs. Wheatly in Civics. I wasnt even talking to Sarah. After school I went to the tanner and 7-11 with Brittney. She had to go home afterwards though, because she was going to Detroit or somewhere to go out to dinner with her family. She was not very thrilled. Its alright though, I will be seeing her tomorrow.
Tomorrow, I have to babysit for Shelley Snow. Sarah also invited me to go to the Nouvel Football game with her in Grand Rapids, but I dont know if I will be able to because of the babysitting though. I have an eye appointment at 10:30 or so tomorrow appointment. My eye is getting better with the medicine, but it still kind of hurts. I am not really sure though whats going on there.
Haha. I am such an ass. I just called Channing, and was like talking to him, but it wasnt even him, it was his voice mail. Oh man. But I am going to go watch a movie with Sarah.