Well. Let's see. My APUSH exam, the real one, is on Friday. Unprepared does not begin to explain my current state. But I've pretty much given up on that. I mean, there's just too much history to go over. Hundreds of years of it, in fact
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But I ended up telling her because... well I read about satellite proms, and I REALLY want to arrange one for the release of Eclipse in a bookstore here in Toronto! I think that would be amazing... and if no one else in my area has yet, I'm going to try (which means I should probably get planning on it already!)
And as for real prom... I'm only in Grade 10! Lol.. so the only way I'd go is if someone in Grade 12 asked me... and that hasn't happened, and is not happening, sooo...
But it was going to happen last year! The guy who'd wanted to ask me told me AFTER prom, like the week after, that he was going to ask me but he didn't because he thought I probably would have said no, or I would have felt awkward or uncomfortable there at the place.. so meh. But it would have been interesting! I was in Grade 9 last year, and I would have gone to Prom! XD Haha...
I do know that our's is happening soon, not sure of the exact date.. probably around the end of this month, though.
I forgot the caterpillar's name! Ah I haven't seen that movie in so long... So good!
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