May 01, 2007 20:09
Ack. So, the first thing that I hear from my teacher when I walk into APUSH is, "Brittney. What happened to you on this test?"
That is not the thing you want to hear after you take an over three hours long "mind-bottling" exam. Granted it was just a practice one but still.
"I don't know!" I moaned. "Why?"
He was looking at me with this completely incredulous expression like, I didn't expect this out of you, of all people. "You left over half of them blank!"
Now, I personally think this is an exaggeration. I only left twenty or so (I stress the "so" because now I doubt myself) blank. "You tricked me," I said pointing my finger at him all accusatory like. "You said that if I had no idea what the answer was to leave it blank!"
"Yeah, well," He still that odd look about him. "You need to at least be answering some more than... that."
But on a better note, later in class, he said, "On this test, someone left over half of them blank. You can't be doing this, people! That means you practically get a negative score!"
And I was like, Thanks for the anonymity, TK. Really.
And Ashleigh raised her hand and said, "Actually, not really. If you leave an answer blank, it just doesn't count. But if you put a wrong answer down, it takes points away from the answers that you do get right."
And he looked stumped for a moment then mumbled something about needing an extra day to regrade our tests.
Edit: I totally left over half of them blank. If that test had been the real thing, I would have a made a 39 when you need at least a 60 to get a college credit. Bully.