
Jun 06, 2010 19:51

Okay, calling all Doctor Who fanatics and followers, yo ( Read more... )

doctor who

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gautelen June 7 2010, 06:43:04 UTC
Nine I really appreciate more in light of the hipster Easter Island head that is Eleven. Plus what's with Amy Pond knowing way more than she should? Ten was sexy and wonderful, he's no Tom Baker though(that's right, I kick it old school) and but damn Rose was all up in everyone's season and she's such an idiot. Donna is my favourite companion (most tragic ending ever, I cried for a long time over that) along with sassy Timelady Romana II.

The theory my bff and I have worked out is that Nine is the angry late teens, Ten is the mid-life crisis (especially evident in the final episodes where he was like fuck it I am king of everything), and Eleven is the Grandpa Doctor as seen by his sort of sitting back and bowtie activity.

Ipod Daleks, not my fave. I liked the dynamic that Rory brought though. I wonder why Amy doesn't want to jump the doctor's bones as much anymore.

The best part about early Ten is that the whole Bad Wolf thing didn't hit you over the head like this whole cracks in time. Not every episode has to be the OMG! This is importatnt episode!

The tardis landing is my text message noise most people think it's a raptor I'm just waiting for the amazing person that will recognize it, and Ten's Who theme is my ringtone.

You do know that a timelord only has twelve regenerations right? There are loopholes, but generally it's twelve. Beware the valeyard, yo.


aubkabob June 8 2010, 03:45:12 UTC
I totally cried at the end of Season Four, too, and then EXTENSIVELY at the end of The End of Timey Wimey whatever that showed the official leaving of Tennant and the arrival of Smith. I almost never cry at shows, and will get a lump in the throat at best if I'm super close to bleedy times. I felt it was totally drawn out and cheesy, but that didn't stop the tears from rolling, oh no.

I can TOTALLY see the teenager/adult/grandpa thing!!

I've only seen two eps into season five so far - I desperately wanted to come home from school tonight and get in an episode before bed, but since I work at six a.m. and couldn't keep my eyes open today after three giant mugs of coffee, a diet coke, an iced mocha, and an energy drink, methinks I need some rest before the alarm goes off at 330 am - in 6.5 hours. Sucky to have class until 830 pm.


Shows what I know - I hadn't even noticed the Bad Wolf thing in season one - I basically had it going in the background while dinking online *coughWoWahem* and only started REAAAALLLY watching it about halfway through Tennant's 2nd season when his voice stopped grating on my nerves (in comparison to Eccleston's) and something *clicked* and IWASINLOOOVE.

Season Four's theme is so my favorite now and I can't believe I didn't think of getting it as a ringtone until you mentioned it. MUST HAVE. WANT.

And LOLZ at Rose being up in everyone's season ;) I had expected to HAAATE Donna, as my brother watched the first four seasons about six months ago and abhorred the hell out of her. I like her, though :)


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aubkabob June 11 2010, 02:34:54 UTC
LOVED it, thank you!!!!


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