(no subject)

Nov 03, 2009 19:33

I've been pretty rotten at this whole updating thing for quite awhile now.

I'm still alive, I promise!

People are asking how I'm feeling - I felt almost as if my coworkers treated me like a mini celebrity, as no one seems to have KNOWN someone personally who had H1N1. I'm recuperating after six days of fevers and chills and LOTS of runny nostril-having. I haven't had a fever in a bit more than a day or so, but my throat is still killing me. I also have sinus pressure from HELL, but the doc said he thought I also had a sinus infection on top of the flu. I have some antibiotics that I need to get around to filling.

I had a creepy experience with a WWII vet yesterday. He came into my pen aisle (where I am currently slaving to reset 40 feet of pegged ink pens - that's 40 feet long, six feet tall, thankyouverymuch.) seeking a refill for his Navy pens. He told me a touching story about how he was on a ship in the middle of the Pacific Ocean when it was bombed by the Japanese. He told me about how the other men and he spent over 72 hours straight bailing water out with buckets, and how they didn't know if they would survive or not as all of their electrical equipment was damaged in the bombings and they were sitting dead in the water, unable to even call for help as their ship filled with water. He told me that he was going to a school for a Veteran's Day celebration sorta thing and how he was going to tell some of his stories to the children.

I couldn't find a refill for his pen. He did the whole adorable but harmless ancient guy flirting with a young girl sorta thing, shook my hand and said his name was Frank. He then pulled me into a hug, which was still fine. He then kissed my cheek, which was sorta okay, but kinda pushing it. I stepped away, which is when he grabbed me into another hug, told me to plant him a good one, and GNAWED ON MY FREAKING EAR. I had to very physically push him away at this point and told him "I can help you find an ink refill, but anything else is not in my job description."



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