I've been spending so much time over at
Facebook that I am greatly confused as to where the "Like" button is on all of your posts. It would be fun to have that here, methinks, as it would be a convenient way for others to know that we're reading but don't always have something of importance to share.
So don't feel like doing today. Can I rehave yesterday, instead? I just downed some pasta and the last of today's coffee, and need to walk a mile to work. Hello, sidestitch!
My cat loves to find positions to sit so that her bunghole rests perfectly on my arm... or my hand... She turns five this month, I believe. She threw mighty tantrums last night, wanting to go outside (Whenever has this been okay? She's been outside maybe five times in her life, none in the last year.), demanding treats, etc. The tantrums were coupled by loud yowling and stomping back and forth across me. If I would kick her off my lap, she would BARK loudly at me.
She seems much mellower today.
I'm frustrated that I have to wait an entire week to see what happens on True Blood. There are benefits of waiting until an entire season is released on dvd.
Aaaaand rent is due again. I just paid that bill!... thirty days ago. Poop.
Also a moment of great bare-assed fun - the new toilets that have been installed? The seats don't lock down very tightly, as I've discovered twice now when plopping down to do The Deed.... and almost sliding off onto the floor, or (as happened today) getting my hiney pinched.
Dreamed fantastic dreams of giant, decorated pools and hanging out/working with my ex coworkers at the travel agency. I then discovered that I was trapped in the body of a teenage girl who was trying on goth makeup for the first time. She had also found a pair of really cool shoes in a free bin outside.