I can't remember if I've shared this yet or not...
There's this thing, you see, called
The Chronicles of Rock. Basically, as taken from the site:
Each week (10 episodes) will highlight 3 bands with behind-the-scenes live performances,practice sessions, home life, family and friend relationships, "real" jobsand a glimpse into the world that surrounds the band and it's journey towardthe prize of recording, touring and ultimately the possibility of cashing thatfirst gold or platinum record paycheck. At the close of each band montage (aka:rockumentary) each band will perform one song each in front of a panel of judges.Those judges will include 1 member of the press, various music celebrities (ex:Nikki Sixxx, Jeffrey Nothing of Mushroomhead, Vanilla Ice, Willie Adler of LambOf God, CC Deville of Poison, Janine "The Porn Star") and 1 averagejoe (or jane) from the general public. They will select 1 winner each episodeand that winner will move on to the next episode to meet 2 new bands. Each episodewinner is chosen based on originality, overall sound and performance/stage presence.What we see from each band on any given show can also make or break their chancesat winning and moving on to the next round of The Chronicles Of Rock.
So my old band, Electric Doormat, is now known as The Mercury Tree. You shall remember I was with them until this last April, yes? Welp, they have released a
new album under their new name. I haven't heard the whole thing yet, but am wonderfully amazed by the snippets I've received via MySpace. But that's besides the point.
I'm beyond excited and proud of them. You must check out the websites above. In fact, if you click on TCOR website and go to the "Bands" section and scroll down to The Mercury Tree, my name is mentioned.
Tee hee.