LOOKEE LOOKEE WHAT I JUST MADE!!! Nothing there yet, as I certainly haven't WRITTEN anything that could be construed as.... creative... yet. More to come.. some day... I'm sure.
Add if you like, though.
~my regular one~~Electric Doormat's~ Donated blood today, which always seems to... it's almost as if I donated brain matter instead of blood. The choir instructor had to chase me down the hall because I left ALL my music in the class... another classmate followed shortly thereafter with my pencil. This all after I made three trips back because I forgot my spiral notebook (that has all my notes from EVERY class in it) and my practice cd.
Got furniture? I do. No room left in the livingroom, but they're comfy, and much better for entertaining. Maybe we will again, one day.
My arm hurts, and I KNOW it's after five, but I need a nap, mmm'kay?