That's a real step, and that takes courage!

Mar 16, 2007 13:21

Mom! My brother dropped his bike on my head!!!

It's true. I know you're wondering just HOW a bike landed on my forehead. I know I would be. I was lying on the floor, you see, because my back was hurting. Jess gets home and parks his bike next to me and walks off. I turn to Bacci to pet her as she's sneaking up to me, curious as to why I'm suddenly shorter than she is. I see movement out of the corner of my eye and turn to look and - BAM! the bike lands on me, the handlebars thwacking me in the forehead. I already had an awful headache before the event. Luckily, I only received a slight goose egg and some slight brusing, but two days later and it still hurts.

Got back from school a few minutes ago after finishing up my Music Theory final exam. I think I did aiight. I'm certain I passed, just not sure how far above passing I'll be. I got back my ear training final from yesterday and received a 74%. I had a feeling I ROCKED the first two sections (rhythmic dictation - he plays a tune and you write down the note incriments for the four measures in each question, and intervals), and I did - only one was missed. The next two sections (melodic dictation - plays a song and I write the music, and harmonic dictation - plays chords and I put down if they're a I, ii, or V chord) sucked hardcore - almost nothing correct. I think what saved me is that he scored me 18 out of 20 on my sight singing, although I felt I did horrid on it.

Thank you, Dr. Appert.

Thank you, unknown person for the EXTREMELY random birthday gift I got in the mail yesterday: A Deanna Troi action figure from Star Trek: The Next Generation. The most random gift I have gotten just about ever, but thank you. It's awesome.

Still way out of it on Dayquil. I think the cold is over, but I'm now suffering from seasonal allergies. The fact that the tree outside my bedroom has morphed into a giant flower doesn't help, I'm certain.

Bad dreams, as always - my room was infested with spiders and encased in a trillion webs. The spiders were giant and black. I remember waking up inside the dream at one point, in a panic because I had actually slept at my desk inside the infested room. The entire dream was spent in a massive terror and with stomach roiling from disgust.

Woke up IRL to find the first big black hunting spider of the season, too high in my bedroom to reach.


school, health, dreams

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