Nov 09, 2008 21:56
Tonight on 'American Dad' there was a bit based on the movie 'The Warriors'. Pretty funny but when they encountered the goth "gang", the music attributed to goths were Depeche Mode and Joy Division. Since when has that been goth music? Sure, back in the 80s when the bands were at their height of popularity, they were most popular with the alternative crowd but that isn't the same as goth. While some might argue that goths are the cultural heir of the alternative/progressive crowd of the 80s, they're far from the same thing. Perhaps I'm wrong about the music that goths listen to (and I'm speaking in generalities here), but I'm quite certain that even if they are fans of Depeche Mode and Joy Division that it's not the top of the list. Anyway, it was weird to see but of course it's a cartoon so it doesn't matter.
It does inspire me to load up some 80s college music goodness to listen to while getting ready for bed.
BTW, anyone else think it was really weird how eventually "alternative" became mainstream? There was a time when you had to go to speciality record stores to get anything alternative and mostly would only hear it on college run radio stations but eventually it became the staple of some of the largest radio stations, filled the racks at the mall music stores, and really needed to be called something other than alternative.