Oct 25, 2004 23:56
Wait...before anyone dies of shock, yes...I am updating. I know it's been a while and a lot of things have happened, and I don't really have an excuse for not updating. I've just been busy. But, I have been keeping up with everyone else's journal, and when my roommate, Stephanie, got a livejournal, I knew that I had to get back into the swing of things. I never really realized how much I missed posting on this thing. I feel as if I am visiting an old friend for the first time in a long while.
I have had a lot on my mind lately. I have realized in recent weeks that I'm falling back into my depression again. I don't know what exactly is different from before, but I just think it's that time of year. There have been some contributing factors that I know of, and they are the exact same as before...school, certain friends, politics, and boys. Imagine that.
School is not too much of a problem. I'm doing extremely well in three of them, and alright in the other ones. Today was perhaps particularly frustrating because I realized that one of my classes is completely useless. I really don't see the need in it. Maybe I'm just missing something. Anywho, I got really upset today because I'm not doing exceptionally well in that class, and to know that it's material that I will never use makes me angry. Just let me teach already!
There is a certain friend of mine (who shall remain anonymous) who has become very antagonistic lately. He/She has become someone I don't know anymore. This person criticizes certain individuals more than usual and is just, well...more hateful than usual. I realized that I'm not too fond of this new person that looks like my friend. My friend would never act as childish and immature as this person is acting now. I hope that he/she will grow out of it, or at least, move past it. He/She is a much better person than he/she is demonstrating.
Politics have never really worried me before, but now they have. I know that this year's elections are a big deal. Many people have made their choices about which candidate to support. While eveyrone may not agree on who is the best candidate for the job, I still believe that people should respect other people's opinions and agree to disagree. In a way, I'm happy that people are forming opinions and actually voting. No one should be made to feel ignorant because of their particular political choice, and I am sad to say that I have seen much badgering, harrassment, and mudslinging from both sides of the political arena. I am very fortunate in that most of my friends and I can laugh about our differences in politics, and agree to disagree. Those of you who know me know who I am voting for, and for those of you who don't, I'm voting for Bush, and I highly doubt that my mind will change between now and the election. I have my reasons for voting for Bush, just as Kerry supporters have their reasons for voting for Kerry. I personally don't care who you vote for, just as long as you vote, or your choice not to vote has nothing to do with apathy.
Boys is another issue. I know that I have said numerous times that "Boys are stupid." I will hold to that statement until I get evidence to the contrary (and if you have such evidence, please send it my way). There has been a lot of stuff going on lately with boys that has me so confused. So, as usual, I've decided not to deal with it. Boys are great when you watch a scary movie or need something off of the top shelf, but I've decided to give up on any kind of long-term usages they may have. If love is out there, and it wants to find me, it'll find me. I guess I just have to let God do what he does best--be God. And if that means that I'm gonna be a cat lady when I get older, then so be it.
Well, I do believe that I have rambled enough now. I feel much better now that I have gotten some things off my chest. This semester has been and will continue to be quite interesting!
~Lindsey P.
"Trying to have good politicians without morals is like trying to have water without the wet."
--A democratic senator