(no subject)

Oct 02, 2005 10:02

holy crap cakes. this weekend has been a busy one.

Friday night I missed Scott's surprise b-day bash b/c i was too busy trying to sleep off the remains of my bronchitis.
called him after i got up and told him i was sorry.

woke up Sat morning to clean up the apartment and prepare for LOTS of company.
hauled ass to w-mart and spent $25 on drinks, plates, and cups.
picked up the catering food at 11:30, which was $40
was pissed about the carelessness that went into the presentation.
sent billy to bitch about it while i showered.
"I paid $40 for a shit ton of little sandwiches, and GODDAMNIT I WANT A SHIT TON OF LITTLE SANDWICHES!!"
yeah thats the point where i knew i was losing it.
right about that time my mom, dad, aunt, and uncle show up.
then forrest showed up,
then the rest of my extended family.
had THE BEST time. I absolutely love my Auburn obsessed family.
my little cousins were running around in the yard throwing a football...it was just a wonderful feeling.
Robyn and Neet randomly show up which was awesome b/c i havent seen Robyn in months
I was nominated to drive through the bullshit to drop Robyn and Neet off for Tiger Walk.
in Robyn's car, which i haven't driven in 3 some odd years and I was probably drunk at the time.

Billy and I walked to the game from my house,
my ID wouldnt work so i had to go to the "defective id" line.
where I worked my magic to get in. nah, they just felt sorry for me i guess.
we sat with his friends and had good seats.
almost got into a girl fight at the game, and I'm not even kidding.
Some bitch took billy's seat and the proceeded to ask us to move down.
billy regulated on her ass which made me happy
"actually you took MY seat, so why dont I get my seat back and YOU can move down"
threw her alcohol on my hot ass seer-sucker pants from Banana.
I guess thats what you get for wearing something expensive to a damn football game.
I started raising hell and billy told me to stop.
one day my mouth is going to get my ass kicked.

THEN a cop proceeded to accuse us of drinking.
realized it was the bitch behind us, and poured it out under OUR seats.
we failed at getting the bitch kicked out of the game.

regardless we had a fucking blast.

the walk home wasnt fun.
came home to a smoke filled apartment and a Forrest in my bed.
and Jeff being sketchy.
jammed out to some 3 6 Mafia for an hour or more.
passed up supper club b/c I didn't want to deal with the impending drama that was tagged on.
woke up and went to billy's house b.c. MY apartment was once again turned into a hotel.
got to billys and we ordered jimmy johns.
and the rest is history.

now i think im going to wake billy up and go play tennis if I can find my tennis racket
it's absolutely beautiful outside and it looks like it feels like Fall. =D
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