31 Days of Fic: Twenty-Seven

Sep 10, 2007 21:44

This one's short -- only 150 words -- but I'll try to do another one some time tonight.

May 27, 1976

Outside, the rain is coming down; a heavy, soaking rain that rattles hard against the glass and against the roof of Gryffindor Tower. James is curled up in the window seat, watching the Forbidden Forest bend and sway in obedience to the storm, with a blanket wrapped around him to keep out the sudden, unseasonal chill that somehow manages to creep in despite the layers of charms that ostensibly keep the castle warm. Peter has all of their Transfigurations notes spread out in front of him on the floor, and is making changes to his own. Across the room, Remus is sprawled out on his bed with a book, one hand turning the pages every few minutes, while the other hand idly scratches behind Padfoot's ears. Padfoot himself is sleeping. Occasionally, one over-sized paw twitches slightly, and his ears move about as he listens to whatever noises inhabit his dreams.


( day twenty-six)*( day twenty-eight)


Author's Notes:  I didn't even bother to put this one behind a cut.  How's that for lazy?  *EDIT* Behind a cut now, because it was harshing my OCD mellow.

hp, sirius black, fic a day: marauders, pre-slash, august ficathon, fic

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