31 Days of Fic: Twenty-Five

Sep 10, 2007 01:42

Here we are.

May 25, 1976

"Is there anything you want to tell me, Padfoot?" James asks mildly, and watches in amusement as Sirius jumps, turns red, and drops a year's worth of Arithmancy notes on the floor.  It's not nice to tease, but James can't resist, especially as both Sirius and Remus are apparently under the impression that they're being terribly discreet about the whole thing.  "A new romance in your life, perhaps?"

"No!" Sirius yelps, diving for his scattered papers.  "Nothing!"

"Really?  Are you sure?" James asks, hiding a smile behind his hand.  "Because that looks an awful lot like a love bite, mate."

"That?" Sirius asks, one hand going unerringly to the dark spot on his neck.  "That's nothing.  Got hit by a runaway Chocolate Frog."  He laughs unconvincingly.

"Oh, come on," James says, trying not to laugh.  "I won't tell anybody.  Is she a Hufflepuff?  Is that why you're ashamed of her?  It's a secret passion, right?"

Sirius goes crimson, and James is bracing for a really good brawl when Remus walks in.

"Is who a Hufflepuff?" he asks calmly.

"Er -" James says.

"Moony!" Sirius says gratefully.  "Make him stop, please?"

"Really, Prongs," Remus says.  "Don't you have anything better to do?"

"...no?" James hazards.  Remus rolls his eyes.

"Come on, Pads," he says, extending a hand to help Sirius up.  "I'll protect you from the big mean deer."

"Hey!" Sirius says, but his look of indignation fades when Remus, instead of letting go of his hand, threads their fingers together.  "Oh," he says, and grins soppily.  "That's all right then."

"Well?" Remus asks, looking cooly at James, who scowls.

"You're no fun," he says.  "I could have kept him going for weeks."

"Yes, well," Remus says, with an evil smile that James didn't think him capable of, "that's my job now, isn't it?"

"Oh, Merlin, my brain!"  James sticks his fingers in his ears.  Looking at Sirius' sudden smirk, he gets the distinct feeling that he's lost the upper hand.


( twenty-four)*( twenty-six)


Author's Notes: Six days left...

hp, sirius black, fic a day: marauders, pre-slash, august ficathon, fic

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