31 Days of Fic: Twenty-Two

Sep 04, 2007 00:22

got to do some actual work today.  it was exciting.
nine days left...

May 22, 1976:

The Slytherins are forced to come to breakfast via the lake, despite the combined efforts of Professors Flitwick, Slughorn, and McGonagall, the latter of whom has been driven to promising full amnesty to the culprit if they will only come forward and remove the spell.

"Sheer genius," James says, for perhaps the fiftieth time since he got back from watching the Slytherins make their wet, sopping way up to the castle.  Sirius is about to modestly accept the credit due his genius with perhaps a small speech when Remus comes yawning into the Great Hall and renders him incapable of stringing two words together.  It doesn't help that Remus takes one look at the still-damp Slytherins and turns an accusatory, trying-not-to-smile expression on him that makes his stomach feel like it's full of pixies.

"Padfoot," Remus remonstrates, and Sirius ducks his head over his eggs and does his best to look less gobsmacked.

"It's genius," James insists again, and Remus' mouth twitches in a way that makes Sirius bite his lip in frustration.  He can already tell that love is going to be absolute hell.

"You really should undo it, Pads," Remus says.  "Especially as McGonagall's promised an amnesty."

Sirius mumbles something, and earns himself a funny look from Peter for his trouble.

"What was that, mate?" James asks, and Sirius has to stop himself from stabbing his best friend with a fork.

"I'm sure your eggs appreciate the conversation," James continues, "but the rest of us are having trouble hearing you."

"Ha-bloody-ha," Sirius says, and glares at him.  "I said that I'm not sure I can undo it!  I'm not sure how I did it in the first place!  I wasn't paying attention, all right?  And somehow I don't think McGonagall would appreciate hearing that!"

"I certainly don't, Mr. Black," McGonagall says from behind him.

Sirius winces.  She hasn't managed to successfully sneak up on him since third year, which shows how distracted he is.

"Am I to understand that you got through Hogwarts' wards by accident?" she demands.

"Um... sort of?" Sirius hazards.  McGonagall stares at him narrow-eyed, and he hastens to explain.  "I mean, I knew what I was trying to do, and I knew I'd have to get through the wards, but I wasn't really thinking about what I was doing.  I just did it."

"Wonderful," McGonagall sighs, and slides her glasses up to pinch the bridge of her nose with one hand.  "In that case, Mr. Black, I think you should see me after classes have let out so that we can discuss your detention.  In the meantime, get down there and take that spell off!  Now!"

His traitorous friends are doing their best to keep a straight face, but Sirius knows them, and he can just tell that they're all laughing on the inside.  He goes off in a sulk.  This love stuff is shit.

( day twenty-one)*( day twenty-three)

Author's Notes:  I feel like I should start some sort of count-down.  Seriously, though, thanks so much to everyone who's taken the time to keep up with this crazy project.  You guys rock.

hp, sirius black, fic a day: marauders, pre-slash, august ficathon, fic

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