31 Days of Fic: Seventeen

Aug 27, 2007 01:02

First, let me say that the finale of The Kill Point kicked ass.  I was most pleased.

Second -- well, nothing second.  Here's the fic.

May 17, 1976:

"Remus!  You're back!" James says, with an expression of profound relief on his face that Remus doesn't really think is justified, especially as he really hasn't been gone that long.  One look at the Common Room, however, is enough to tell him why James is so glad to see him.  The place looks like a bomb went off.  Ink is spattered everywhere, as are various parchment scraps and bits of what looks suspiciously like crepe paper.

"Where is he?" Remus sighs.

"How in Merlin's name should I know?" James asks.  "He spent all of last night rigging all of this -- " his exasperated gesture encompasses the disaster area that is the Common Room "-- together.  It exploded all over the place when we came down this morning."

"He's been busy," Remus murmurs.

"He's insane," James says.  He looks on the verge of adding something, but shakes his head instead.  "I really hope you can talk some sense into him, Moony, or he'll most likely get lynched."


Sirius is, as expected, under the Quidditch stands.  His expression is thunderous, but when he realizes who's interrupted his sulk, he breaks into a brilliant smile that tugs at something in Remus' chest.

"Moony!" he exclaims, and jumps to his feet.  An instant later, Remus is doing his best to fend off a half-grown, over-enthusiastic puppy hell-bent on jumping up and licking his face.

"Down, Pads," he says, trying not to laugh.  "Get down, you mad thing.  And change back.  Someone will see you."  Padfoot subsides with a whine, then changes back into Sirius, sprawled out on the grass and pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"What's this I hear about your booby-trapping the Common Room?" Remus asks.

"I couldn't sleep," Sirus shrugs.  "I needed something to do."

"You realize that you'll probably get burned at the stake tonight in your sleep."

"I'm not planning on sleeping," Sirius says.  "I need to talk to you about something."


"Wait," Remus says.  Sirius' explanation isn't making much sense, though Remus supposes that could be residual fatigue from the recent full moon.  "Is the box evil or not?"

"No idea," Sirius answers.  "Old Phineas Nigellus reckons it is, but he can't be sure until he's seen it."

"So - what? You want to go get the box and bring it to him?"

"No," Sirius shakes his head.  "It's not safe."  He grins, eyes sparkling with anticipation.  "I want to take Phineas to see the box."


( day sixteen)*(day eighteen)


Author's Notes:  This is not really related to this fic, but wouldn't it make a twisted sort of sense if all of the myths about Greek, Egyptian, and Roman gods were actually about wizards who hadn't come up with the International Statute of Secrecy yet?

Thoughts, comments, reviews, etc. are all welcome.  You guys rock for being so patient.

hp, sirius black, fic a day: marauders, pre-slash, august ficathon, fic

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