31 Days of Fic: Twelve

Aug 12, 2007 22:26

I feel virtuous, finishing an hour and a half before deadline like this.

In other news -- it's hot in Georgia.  This hotel has AC, though.

In wedding news -- my mother has infected my girlfriend with insanity.  Vegas is sounding better every day, or y'know, it would if we could actually get married there.

Sorry.  The heat makes me cranky.  Onto the fic.  A prank, a fight, and a quiet understanding.

May 12, 1976:

During Sunday breakfast, while Remus is trying to enjoy the early morning quiet, Sirius asks him fifteen times how he's feeling, then gets mad at James and Peter for laughing and charms all of the sugar in the Great Hall to turn into ants the instant it touches food or drink.  Remus, faced with a teacup full of weakly struggling insects, cannot help but feel relieved when Professor McGonagall hauls Sirius off by the ear for his weekly lecture on Why Transfiguration Is Not A Toy For Your Personal Amusement, Mister Black, No Matter How Talented You May Think You... Mister Black, Are You Even Listening To Me?

At lunchtime, Sirius gets into an argument with James about the Chudley Cannons that quickly degenerates into the sort of shouting match that Remus hasn't seen from them in a good three years.  When Severus Snape makes an unwise and sarcastic comment in passing, Sirius turns and punches him in the nose before he's even finished speaking.  Snape draws his wand, and the end result is that both he and Sirius spend the rest of the afternoon in the Hospital Wing.

Remus has a headache during dinner.  Sirius takes it upon himself to cast Silencio on anyone who gets within ten feet of them, then categorically refuses to explain himself to Professor McGonagall.  She is nearly vibrating with irritation, and Remus can't help sympathizing with her.

"You've really got to do something about him," James says, after McGonagall has hauled Sirius away for the third time.

"What the hell am I supposed to do about him?" Remus demands.  His headache is a throbbing knot behind his left eye.  "He's gone completely round the twist!"

"He's worried about you," Peter says, "and you know how he is."

"Insane?" Remus asks.  "Obnoxious?  Manic?"

Still, when Sirius comes scowling into the common room later that evening, Remus makes a point of sliding over to make a space for him on the couch.  Sirius doesn't say anything, but he does sit down next to Remus.  After a few minutes the worst of the tension seems to go out of him, leaving him calmer than he's been in weeks.

When Remus goes upstairs to bed, Sirius tags along behind him, and while Remus changes into his pyjamas, Sirius changes into Padfoot.  When James and Peter come upstairs a few hours later, boy and dog are asleep in a pile on Remus' bed, and neither of them so much as twitch until morning.

(Day One)***(Day Thirteen)


Author's Notes:  Many thanks to
marauderswolf for helping me get the details straight in my head.

hp, sirius black, fanfic, fic a day: marauders, pre-slash, august ficathon

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