31 Days of Fanfic: Seven

Aug 08, 2007 19:24

Day seven of thirty one, in which is mentioned the difference between meteors and meteorology.

May 7, 1976:

Sirius is drumming his fingers on the arm of his chair and bouncing the heel of his boot against the leg in a counterpoint rhythm.  Remus thinks it should sound a lot more like the knell of doom than it actually does.  It is, after all,  a sign that Sirius is bored, and Sirius' boredom has led at various times to all four of them fleeing from angry Slytherins, angry Ravenclaws,  angry Gryffindors, and, once, (an incident that they've all sworn never to talk about again, ever) from angry Hufflepuffs.

"What d'you think that centaur was on about?" Sirius asks, not letting up in his drumming.  "About not coming back into the Forest until the weather breaks?"

"Dunno," Peter says, looking up from his Charms essay.  "I thought centaurs were supposed to be interested in astronomy, not meteorology."

"Meteors come from outer space, Wormtail," Sirius says, rolling his eyes.  "I'm not even taking Divination, and I know that one."  Peter opens his mouth as if to explain, then apparently thinks better of it and goes back to his essay, shaking his head.

Remus, trying desperately to focus on his Arithmancy homework, catches James' eye and gives him a pleading look.  It's as hot today as it was yesterday, even with all of the windows in the common room open, and the combination of the heat and a manic Sirius Black is too distracting for words.

"Come on, then, Pads," James says.  "We've got a professor to stalk, remember?"

"Slave-driver," Sirius says accusingly, but gets up anyway.  "What if I still have homework to do?"

"Then you'd be doing it, wouldn't you, instead of sitting here bothering Remus?"

"Bothering?!" Sirius yelps.  "Moony, I'm not bothering you, am I?"

"'Distracting' would be a better word," Remus says diplomatically.

"You're bothering him," Peter says, not looking up from his essay.

"Fine," Sirius says, feigning offence.  "I'll just go and bother Trelawney, then."  He and James go laughing out the portrait hole, and Remus turns back to his Arithmancy.


(day six*day eight)

Author's Notes:  Thanks go to
molsymo and
nk_aoede for looking this one over for me.

hp, sirius black, fic a day: marauders, pre-slash, august ficathon

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