31 Days of Fanfic: Five

Aug 05, 2007 22:25

After the airport debacle of yesterday, I got the fantastic news that I'll be spending the next four days in Alabama.  I have nothing against the South, but it's hot there and the transportation systems suck suck suck.

Yes, I'm a Yankee.  Why do you ask?

On an unrelated note, The Kill Point, on Spike TV, is one of the best television shows I have ever, ever seen.  John Leguizamo and Donnie Wahlberg are fucking fantastic as the leads, the writing is incredible, and the increase of tension as the episodes go on is skillfully, skillfully done.  If you get the chance to watch it, you should.  Sunday, 9 PM.  TiVo it.

Anyway, here's today's installment.  I was planning for something a little more serious, but Padfoot hijacked it.  (pun sort of intended.  i need to drink less coffee.)  So here's day five of thirty one, in which there is a wet and muddy dog.

May 5, 1976

Sirius had been planning to have a bit of a lie-in on Sunday, but his plans are spoiled before six in the morning, when That Idiot Potter drags him out of bed and forces him to change forms and go for a run outside of Trelawney's window.

Sirius is all for pranks, especially as Trelawney has committed the cardinal sin of annoying Remus, but that doesn't mean that he necessarily wants to leave his nice warm bed and go running about in the wet grass, especially as Trelawney tends to hit the cooking sherry pretty hard on Saturday nights and is probably not even awake.

When he gets back from his enforced romp and discovers that That Sod Potter has gone upstairs and back to sleep, he goes and takes a quick swim in the lake before sneaking back into the castle to wreak his revenge.

Unfortunately, Professor McGonagall is some sort of non-sleeping robot, (Sirius spent most of the winter absorbed in Remus' science fiction paperbacks, and he knows a robot when he sees one) so before he can go and shake water all over That Twat Potter, he has to answer all sorts of inconvenient questions (like what on earth are you doing, Mr. Black?).

By the time she's walked off shaking her head in disgust, he is very nearly dry, so it's back to the lake for another swim, a quick roll in the dirt beneath the Quidditch stands, and then a run up the stairs to Gryffindor tower, where he positions himself evenly between all three occupied beds before shifting into Padfoot and shaking as much mud and water as possible out of his coat.

His roommates wake up with startled, unhappy yells, and Padfoot jumps into bed with James, burrowing wet and muddy under the covers to the accompaniment of some of the most creative cursing he's ever heard.  He tears the blankets off the bed and rolls on them until all three of his friends tackle him at once; then it's off around the room, barking like mad until Reginald Abbot, one of the sixth-year prefects, throws the door open to yell at them for waking everybody up at seven in the morning.

Abbot takes one look at the crumpled, muddy bedclothes; at Sirius, who changed back in a hurry without thinking about where he was and is now stuck under Peter's bed, his hair and clothing still bearing traces of his early-morning swim; at Remus, who is looking vaguely sheepish and a little murderous; at James, who is missing his glasses and is nearly as wet as Sirius, and closes the door again carefully.

"I don't want to know," Sirius hears him mutter as he leaves.

(begin at the beginning)  (day six)

Author's Notes:  God, I hate my job sometimes.  Leave me feedback.  I know that those two sentences have nothing to do with one another, and I don't care.

hp, sirius black, fanfic, fic a day: marauders, august ficathon

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