31 Days of Fanfic: Two

Aug 02, 2007 23:34

2 August 2007

Twenty-five minutes before midnight, and here's the story!  No prompt this time, just a little bit of set-up for some of the stories to come.  Sirius is oblivious; James has a Plan.

May 2, 1976:

"I have a Plan," James announces.  His eyes would be shining behind his glasses if one of them weren't still bruised from Evans' fist.

Sirius looks up, interested.  The last time James said those words in that tone, they had led to the mass enchantment of every statue in the school to recite rude limericks at anyone who passed by.  The real genius of it had been the personal limericks he and James had painstakingly written for each of the Slytherins.

"What's it to be, then?" he asks, putting aside the quill he's been hexing to spray ink at the next unwary user.  "Exploding cauldrons in Potions?"

James shakes his head.  "Nah.  We did that last month, and I don't fancy crossing old Slughorn again so soon."

Sirius grins.  "How long did it take you to get that smell off your hands?"

"Days," James moans, "and bloody Snivellus made fun of me for it the whole time."  His voice rose in pitch, mocking:  "What's that smell?  Must be a blood traitor."

"Tosser," Sirius sneers.  "What's the plan, then?"

"Trelawney," James says, grinning wickedly.

"What about her?"  Sirius gave up Divination in third year, partly to annoy his parents and partly because he lacked the patience to sit through Trelawney's pointless lectures.   James, Peter, and Remus are still taking it, though, so he hears about the lessons pretty frequently.

"She's been predicting horrible things about Moony's future all month, and I think it's starting to get to him."

"That old fraud," Sirius says indignantly.  "How dare she?"  No one is allowed to upset Moony, as most of Slytherin House has learned the hard way.

James gives him an odd look.  "Right," he says, drawing the word out into two syllables.

"What?" Sirius asks.



"Honestly, Pads, it's nothing.  Anyway, I was thinking -- how d'you think Trelawney would react to being stalked by a Grim?"


( Day One) (Day Three)

Author's Notes:  I barely finished this in time, but finish I did.  Later this month?  Trelawney reacts to being stalked by a Grim, and Professor McGonagall gets suspicious.

sirius black, fanfic, fic a day: marauders, august ficathon, fic

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