I Know That You Need Him, Baby Take It Easy. {Chapter 2}

Dec 31, 2007 00:19

Title: I Know That You Need Him, Baby Take It Easy. [Chapter 2]
Rating: PG
Warnings: Nothing for now
Summary: Is it better to have loved at all?
Disclaimer: I don't know any Gabes either...   :,(


Fuck. I never should have tried to get this track together. I know I want out of Midtown, but if this the only way… then I don’t really know. I know that it was a good idea for Bring It to be on the soundtrack; I didn’t think it would have to be worked over so much. And it is so hard without band support. I am so tired of being stuck in a band that has lost direction. Shit, they don’t even take me seriously anymore. Maybe Travis was right about this Cobra business being the best thing for me. He needs to hurry his ass over here so he can help me out. Plus hotel rooms are so lonely. Ring. Speak of the bitch. “Hey Travie, what’s poppin?” “Oh, you’re here? K, I’ll be right down” With that I wrap myself in my hoodie and try not to run down to the man that is going to save me.

As I round the corner to the lobby, I see a giant man with an even bigger fro. “Yo Gabe; what up man?” Ah, there is the man that is gonna get me though this.

“Hey Travie. You have no idea how happy I am to see you”

“Not much luck on the song then huh?”

“Not really. But I do have ‘oh I’m ready for it; come on bring it’ at least 50 times on the page…”

“Ha no writers block or anything huh?” We both let out a chuckle, we both have been in this stuck spot; not knowing what to tell the world in the art of music.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch a tall man with striking features and skin tight clothes saunter across the lobby. Oh well hello Mr. stunning. Shit he is coming this way. Quick smile or something. Why… I don’t think he even notices me. Well make him then. No, I’m not dweebing myself out again; it never works.

“Gabe, this is William. I brought him cause he is a wiz at writing lyrics and shit. If we can’t get it done with him; then it can’t be done.” Oh wow, I get this god helping me on my shitty little song? Travis must be joking. Perfection is standing in front of me, and he is going to cater to me?

“Well hello, Gabriel. It is nice to finally meet you. Travie tells me so much about you. I like your hoodie, it’s a nice shade of purple.” Why is he holding out his hand? Take it and shake it, stupid. Oh. Yeah. “Hi. I’m Gabe” He smiles a little. “Yeah, I know” Dumbass.


Ok, well maybe this won’t be so bad. Gabe seems… nice? Dorky, but nice. And he does have a really flattering smile.

“So, Gabe what exactly did you have so far?”

“Uh, well not much actually. They want me to rework almost the whole song. Which sucks because I thought it was tight sounding when I sent it in…”

“Well lets go back up to your room, its gotta be easier then hashing it out in a hotel lobby.” Wow, I just invited myself to another boy’s hotel room. In any other circumstance, I would feel really awkward about it. He oddly seems overly ok with the prospect though. Naw, your making too much out of it. He just is glad to get some help.


It been about a week, and my song is just about done. That comes with the sad prospect of William being done with me; and that thought is too hard to handle. I haven’t been able to let go of the thought of him, he plagues my mind. He has been so nice to spend so much of his time helping me. My room still has smell of rain and… apples. Oh, I wonder if he is vegetarian too. That would be pretty rad. Shit, I still need my hoodie back. I let him take it on the night that he stayed late. Good thing him and Travis are roomies, I’ll head over and get it. I’ve got the down time, and I have to see him again.

I love having a hotel two blocks from my buddy’s house. I get here in no time.

To my surprise William answered the door with a grin by the second knock. “Uh hi Gabe. I didn’t expect to see you today”

“Yeah, I was just wondering if you were done with my hoodie…”

“Oh. Yeah. Come on in. Travis is out if town, went to New York with Pete. I hope you meet him soon. He is so awesome” He gives me no choice but to follow. Most of his dialogue came out as he walks down the hall. “It’s nice to have someone around while he is gone” His smile is like nothing I have ever seen before. It is soft, inviting, and real. So perfect in its imperfections. He leads me into what I assume is the living room.

“Have a seat. It’ll be nice to spend time with you outside of work.” He smiles, oh God. He’s so pretty. “You seem so intriguing, like I have to get to know you some more.” Oh God. Ok first sit down Gabe. Ooo comfy chair. William sits across from me on the loveseat and crosses his legs - cute - and rests his hands on his knee. Kay now… shit it is hard to think around him. Think of something…

“Thanks so much for helping me, William. You’re a mad genius at song making.”

A little bit a blush creeps across his pale skin. He has the cutest rosy cheeks. “Well, I hope that we can still chill even though the song is done now.”

“Oh, Gabe I’d love to hang out more.” Shit, ok it is now or never. I get up, walk over to him, and take a seat.

“So Will, what do you like to do when you get down time?” He scrunches his nose a little and looks up at the ceiling while he thinks about it. I wonder if he knows how adorable he is.

“Well mostly my life revolves around music. Like if we aren’t working a record; I still write lyrics or listen to other bands. Not many people understand how much music means to me. It keeps me moving.” As he finishes his sentence, he brings his gaze back over to me. He gives the most warm and genuine smile, and there is a twinkle in his eye that is indescribable. I think I really do realize how deep music is to him. “I just love it.”

I shift a little and take the opportunity to close the gap between us.

“Yeah I know what you mean. Music is so important. Not the fans, not the fame, or the money. I just want to dance to a tight beat; and sing the words I write.”

“I know right! That feeling on stage when everyone sings back; it’s so amazing…”

“Exactly!” In excitement I grab his hand, and he smiles and we both blush; and he turns even more flattering shade of red then before.

“You know Mr. Beckett, your amazing too. Smart, adorable, and beautiful.” I reach up and stroke his cheek. God his skin is so soft; it feels like silk. “I have never met someone as astonishing as you are.” I move my head in so that are noses are only an inch apart. So close that I can feel his breath on my lips. These are the moments in life that you want to last forever.

“Gabe…” Hearing him whisper my name; deep and ragged, hot and heavy on my mouth almost makes me lose it. Before he can finish I press my lips lightly to his, I wasn’t met with much resistance. Then I feel him shift and reach up to pull himself closer to me, with a sense of urgency - like he need me there, holding him and tasting him. The kiss itself was unlike any other I had before. The perfect balance between tender, powerful and knowing. His hands wander… and everywhere he touches me feels like electricity on my skin. I reach and grasp only to end up with one hand in his soft hair and the other trailing down his chest. It took only a matter of a few minutes before we were deep in the moment; but he pulls away all too suddenly.

“Oh God Gabe I’m so sorry!”

“Sorry for what”; say still panting, “that was amazing…” I never have been so confused.

“But... But I can’t do this… I didn’t mean to lead you on…”
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