I Know That You Need Him, Baby Take It Easy. {Chapter 9}

Dec 31, 2007 02:16

Title: I Know That You Need Him, Baby Take It Easy. [Chapter 9]
Rating: R-ish... again
Disclaimer: Nothing here is mine, but the plot...


God this movie is kinda sucks. Typical thrasher with blood and guts everywhere, and occasional naked woman. So not my thing. But Travis seems… enthralled? I suppose, he did pick this out. I’m trying, I’m trying hard to give this movie a chance.

Unfortunately, I am sandwiched between a possible love interest and a friend that just wants me to love him back… I don’t think this could get any…. Hello?

I look down to my knee to see a hand snaking up my leg, I follow the hand up and arm, up to a very smirking Ryland.

“Ry…” I whisper “…what are you doing?”

“Nothing much… just getting… cozy…” He nuzzles into my neck, with his hand working circles on my inner thigh. All I can sense is Ryland, touching me, feel his breath on me, smell him… the smell of gel and Jolly Ranchers, and it makes me smile. His hand continues to creep up, all the way up…. Make him stop! The fuck Gabe… this is RYLAND!

Shit. A low moan escapes my throat, one that I had no power of stopping. All my focus is on him; the movie, the people, all is out of mind as he continues to massage me through the denim. I turn my head towards him, so that he is the only one that can hear my groans and the hitch in my breathing.

“Oh.. Ry…” comes out very hushed, jagged, husky; and I buck my hips forward, trying to give as much access as I can. “…God Ryland…” I bite my lip, trying to keep as much noise in as possible.

“Gabe… you know all I want is to please you…” he traces my jaw line with his thumb, his own voice resonating with desire, with longing “…I need to please you…”

In a shaky, awkward kind of way; he pulls my face to his and gives a soft kiss. Or it started soft, but soon turned into a heated one, one with groping and force. We break apart when the necessity to breath washes over us.

A gasp snaps me back to reality, and I turn to see a look of disgust and anger washes over William’s face.

“Excuse me…” is all I hear as he leaves the isle, and quickly makes his way to the door.


I leap up, push past Ryland and run up the isle. I push my way out of the doors to the theaters, and scan the lobby.

“Will? William?”

Where the hell did he go? I open the door to men’s bathroom “William? Babe? Are you in here?”

Indistinctive sobs echoed in the stall farthest from the door.

“Will?” I walk towards the stall and push the door open. Or try to. He locked it, locked me out. “Will, let me in. It’s Gabe…”

“I know” sniffles “I don’t want to open it…”

“Why not sweetheart?”

“Don’t you dare call me that…”

“Will… Will I’m sorry.”

I can tell he is trying not to cry, but the sounds of sobs continue to break though.

“What and how much did you see?”

“Every - everything…”

“I’m sorry…”

“Why… why would you do that in front of me?”

“Please baby, let me in so we can talk.” So that I can hold you, make everything alright again…


“Please? Please talk to me, face to face. Please?”

“I don’t want to.”

“Just - just give me a chance, a chance to make everything better…”

I hear rustling, the latch open, and more rustling. With out asking I open up the stall and am met with a tear-stained William, and my heart drops.

“Oh.. baby, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean…”

“Mean what? To absolutely crush me? To rip my heart out? I haven’t even given it to you yet… and you take it and rip it apart…”

“Shhh…” I brush the hair from his face, and wipe the tears from his cheeks. He is lovely, almost perfection; his perks, his quarks, his flaws, all come together to make the beauty sitting in front of me. “I promise that wasn’t suppose to happen. Ryland came with me, as a favor for a friend. He mistook this as an opportunity to make a move on me.”

Finally, he graces me with eye contact. “Unfortunately I got a little to into it… and I sincerely apologize. I would never intend to hurt you.”

“You mean that?” I maneuver myself in a way that lets me kneel next to him.

“Of course. I would never lie to you. That is a fact.” I smile, he smiles. He holds up his hand, and I interlace my fingers between his. Everything about him, about me with him… it all feels so natural.

“After seeing you with someone else, it made me think… that maybe… I could be in love with you…” he trails off, blushing and darting his eyes way.

“Well… Will… Maybe - just maybe I might already be in love with you” and I pull his hand up to give it a kiss.


“Yes, really…” as I give him a playful punch on his shoulder. “So… yeah…”

“Yeah” He starts to tense under the pressure of uncomfortable silence, he shifts positions twice and darts his eyes around the stall.

“So… Can I sit too, my calves starting to cramp up…”

“Oh… oh yeah…” He stands up, helps me to my feet and I take a seat on the vacated toilet.

“Man, that’s better. Now, come, sit down sweetie.” I wrap my arms around his torso and pull him onto my lap. “You know I was dying to be next to you… to feel you this close to me again…” My voice starts to hush and I lean closer in to him, brush my lips on his cheek. “Bill… I… I need you around me. I can’t think when you are not near me, I can’t not be around you…” I run my hand along his side and under his shirt. He gives me a reassuring little smirk, and I start to kiss his neck.

“Mmm… Gabe?”

“Yes my dear?” asking while I brush his hair from his eyes.

“You are making me want you…”

“I know cuteness, I’m trying to…I want you too.. I want to know how you feel in side me…” I bite down on his neck for emphasis, and he lets out a low moan.

“Oh… wait, what?”
. “.”

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