Oct 28, 2006 15:40
got the medical bill from the er. I havent opened it yet. Im sacared....thank god i just have to send it to my dad. He's being surprisingly good about this and wants to pay all my hospital bills. I'm just curious how much it was...
alright i checked it out. One thousand, one hundred and fourty five dollars and thrity five cents. That is right lol. thank god dad's paying, that would break me at the moment...
on another note, im tired as all fuck just exhausted. Im worried very much so about Armand. I called but his message machine fooled the shit out of me. Asshole. *laughs* good one, btw.
Hm...going to a concert tonight. Found a new contact finaly. ALl smiles, work on monday...
yeah...Armand, I miss you, Call me Please...