Dec 16, 2005 11:21
*Tries feverishly to restore journal to a remotely active state*
Well the Evangelion marathon we had planned for last night wasn't as lengthy as we proposed. Lou and I got through 4 DVDs and then piked out... although I could have kept going (thanks to a certain bovine energy drink) he's working this weekend, so sleep is necessary.
I suppose I should update my life status... at the moment things are kinda in limbo, I guess. I graduated form high school a few weeks ago and I'm kinda in shock. I got dux of History, Art and Human Biology (meaning I got some hefty cheques from school as well - roxxorz) and I had an interview at ECU last week for a course in Design. I got in. Now I just need the admission cutoff TER and I'm guaranteed a place at uni. Although I'm not too optimistic ^^;;
Christmas is looking good... I know for certain I'm getting Soulcalibur 3 (watch out - here comes SEUNG MINA HYAAAAA!) and Lou is getting a DS. So that's awesome.
I was thinking about it the other day, and I reckon my two collections combined (MLP and 90's littlest pet shop) have cost me over $1500. That's pretty scary. Sometimes I really do have doubts about my sanity. XP I think what I love most about ponies though is the community, or more specifically, the art. At the moment I have about 5 commissions on the 'to do' list and a few projects of my own which I hope to sell eventually. All this free time is really quite daunting, now that I think about it. Lucky I have Louis or I'd probably go completely nuts looking for things to do.
That reminds me, it's our 2 year anniversary on March 1st. I guess it's a fair while away but still! Milestone or what?
So I'm getting pretty pumped about next year... If I DO get into uni I'm going to defer, so either way I get a year off. I'm hoping for a job at Jacksons art supply store (but with my complete lack of experience I'm not so sure) and Lou and I are planning a trip to Melbourne sometime in February.
SPEAKING of February, I turn 18 on the 25th. Totally fucking cool? I think SO. If only I had my license I could drive myself to the pub and drown my sorrows. XB
In more recent news, WAI-con was pretty cool. Though I don't think the screenings were as good as last year, I mean, last time I saw an anime about a guy who was really gifted at MAKING BREAD. ZOMG most AWESOME premise for a show EVER x 100 000 000! I'm so not clued in on all the anime people were into there, though. I mean, I must just like the most uttery mainstream stuff compared to all those hardcore otaku-ish types. Most of the things mentioned I'd either never heard of or knew so little about the title was about all that was familiar. Oh well, I suppose I'm just an anime poser. XD
Puh. I seem to have completely lost my ability to be engaging or even slightly amusing on this blog thing. Most unfortunate.