Hello guuuys, it's been a while :D I wish you all a merry Christmas in advance! I've finally had time to finish the requests, I had started a big part of it before my exams, but I wasn't satisfied with it when I got back so I've re-made a lot of them. I hope you'll like them because it was very fun for me to do :D. The end of the year means an icon progression post which you'll find at the end of this one. Have a wonderful time everyone!
- 16x Movie (6 Loki, 2 Star Trek, 2 Inception, 2 Pacific Rim, 2 Hunger Games, 2 Flame & Citron) - 4x TV Show (2 Legend of the Seeker, 2 Lost) - 5x Disney (1 Mulan, 1 Monsters & cie, 1 Kung Fu Panda, 2 Brave) - 16x Animanga (1 Ao no Exorcist, 1 Free!, 1 Mawaru Penguindrum, 1 Revolutionary Girl Utena, 12 FullMetal Alchemist)
[82 icons] Beginning of the year, I struggled a lot to get back into iconing again. They are mostly simple, and I think that's when I started my blue period, every icons was blue XD. I was also trying to play with text more, but a lot of them are awful ahah!
[41 icons] I was trying myself at more complex icons (meaning I try to fill the background ahah) and bolder colors. Still trying to improve a little on text and composition.
[25 icons] I nearly didn't icon that month, lack of inspiration or busy at school? I don't remember, anyway that's when I started making a lot of red icons, I'm going back to the "I-want-to-work-my-shadows" and I give up on making complex compositions.
[68 icons] It was the month of the text round at 21inspirations, and it made me progress a lot regarding text. I've really become bolder when adding text, trying every colors and fonts, rotating everything... That's also when I started iconing Elementary, and it really helped me regarding colors. A lot of yellow and red :')
[108 icons] Losing him was blue like I'd never known, but loving him was red... Oh sorry wrong place. As you can see, that's when I started to make everything red and blue and I couldn't do anything else. I was starting to remove the background a lot and we were going back to simple icons. I was also trying myself a little at monochrome.
[117 icons] Inspiration is baaack! I was trying a little of everything, tv show, celeb, animation... I'm finally finished with school, so I have more time to icon. I still really like these!
[74 icons] Another blue period!! I was between two extremes : either I was making very busy icons, or very simple ones. That's also when I've started iconing animanga, and I've learned a lot regarding background, and complementary colors! I can't work with any background anymore, I need to remove everything every single time ;_;
[93 icons] Damn, this blue period is getting long. I was iconing a lot of animanga, but tried sometimes to go back to Elementary because I really like coloring this show! Text is getting crazy.
[51 icons] Ooh it seems I remembered there were other colors to work with beside blue! My motivation wasn't high though, colors are less vibrant and I put less thought into it, getting back to school oblige. I was also using a lot of paint textures to fill my backgrounds.
[20 icons] University is starting to kill me, so I icon a lot less. I was losing inspiration, motivation... I still make simple and vibrant icons with one main color. At this point I'm not trying to improve anything, it just felt good to icon at some point!
[29 icons] You can't never have too much colors right? right? I should say late November because I didn't icon at all before. I just made icons for the fma battle hosted by dear Kay and it was a lot of fun! I made me want to go back to iconing, unfortunately my exams are coming and I can't afford it ;_;.
[26 icons] Okay so you can see I've totally given up the idea of making complex icons one day XD. I'm mostly making simple icons with a plain background. I think it's closer to my 2012 style, when I've started making icons, so maybe it's not bad :)
TOTAL : 747 icons. 2012 : 605 icons.
I also want to thank every single one of you who commented on my posts this year, who invited me to participate in activities or communities, who nominated me, who praised me at iconpraise, etc etc. THANK YOU SO MUCH ♥ It is a surprise everytime and more when I'm placed :D Thank you for nominating me at wonderous_stuff, last year I won a 3rd place in the best vibrant icon category, and this year it's a 1st place so WOW THANK YOU *_*