Bonnie and Matt come to dinner

Dec 12, 2011 07:50

Last night I had Bonnie and Matt to dinner, and we had 3 things all out of Suzanne Goin's Sunday Suppers at Lucques cookbook.  The appetizer and entree recipes are below.  The dessert was just apples cooked in butter and spices and I changed it so much that it's not even her recipe, but the two things I took away were that it's nice to cook small apples cut only in half, that you bake them with the skin facing the pan, and to use fresh vanilla in combination with the spices. I served them with my cardamom gelato instead of her recommended cinnamon ice cream. All of the recipes were yummy and I look forward to continuing to go through her whole book!

1 lb broccoli (preferably a skinny variety or rabe)
1 lb buratta or fresh mozz
Pine nuts
Bread crumbs
Olive oil
1 Chile de arbol
Minced garlic
Parsley, chopped small

Blanch the broccoli 3-4 minutes and set aside
Toast the pine nuts and bread crumbs and set aside
To make dressing, combine 4-6 TB of butter and an equal amount of olive oil in a pan, and add 2 tsp of minced anchovies, thyme, cook for 5 minutes, then add garlic, and season to taste
Sautee the shallots, add in the the broccoli with the dressing, toss over heat briefly. Arrange the broccoli on a blatter, tucking slices of burrata in between the broccoli, and then sprinkle parsley, bread crumbs and pine nuts over the top.

Suzanna goin’s parmesan chicken with escarole and caper butter sauce
1-2 chicken breasts per person
3 parts bread crumbs to 1 part parmesan shavings with a few TB of parsley, for coating chicken
Flour and eggs for coating chicken
Olive oil and butter
2 tb capers
1 lb washed escarole
A spring of rosemary
A chile de arbol
1 lemon’s zest

Pound the chicken breasts flat before coating them in flour, then egg, then the bread crumb mix, and fry in a skillet or sautee pan, turning the breasts over once browned on the first side, and covering at that point to make sure you’re cooking them through. Her directions made it sound like these breasts would be so flat they’d be cooked through without covering them but i couldn’t get them that flat. Anyway when they’re cooked put them on a platter, add more olive oil to the pan with the rosemary and chile, and then add escarole, and cook until wilted, adding that to the platter - I made my platter one side chicken one side escarole because it felt the homiest and least dainty to me. Anyway then add some butter to the same pan, a few TB, and the capers, and the lemon zest, and after the butter is bubbling and browning give it a quick whisk and pour it over the top of the escarole and the chicken and serve. This came out really well and other than the pounding the chicken part it was quite easy.


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