Challenge #05 Spy for a Spy

Jul 04, 2013 01:04

An eye for an eye, a spy for a spy. This time we ask you to set your favorite characters to the universe where they live the life of cover affairs, political espionage and constant danger. Make us some spies!AU icons. You can mix shows and set them in the any time period you like.


_puchula_ || calikalie || endearest || fromperdition

inhighwaytohell || wildpages || yoli_19 || imaginary_lives

neversleeps || wildpages || wickedgrdn || fuuurs

Mad Men as Cold War spies {c.} || Community ~ spies!AU {c.}

Cesare & Lucrezia as spies {c.} || Jaime/Brienne as spies {c.}

Spying from Irikon on 8tracks Radio.

i d e n t i t y: a tale of espionage from gnossienne on 8tracks Radio.

1. Each member can submit as many icons as they want.
2. You can use any pictures you want (caps, photoshoots, stock, animanga etc).
3. All the submitted sets must be submitted as a separate entry.
3. Tag your post with your username and the recent challenge tag. [e.g. challenge#n, where n is a number of the current challenge]
4. The icons must fit the LJ standards: 40 kb, 100x100px
5. All icons must be done specially for this comm.
6. All effects are allowed inc. animation.
7. You don't need to submit URLs for your icons.
Deadline is 11th of July!
if you have any questions feel free to ask me :]

!challenge, challenge#5, !mod post

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