Apr 30, 2007 22:11
+ so: saying yes to UVM and deferring for a year, BUT probably will cancel them before it's time to go there and to to warren wilson. complicated. but it's a gamble. so, where am i going in the fall of '08? warren wilson. there's your answer. lest something better come along.
+ soon will be gone for, more or less, two weeks. but sam's not coming. aw, shucks.
- might not do CA. it just sounds a little too scary, moving to a HUGE, dangerous, expensive city all by myself and not knowing many people. might do...i dunno. katrina relief instead?
+ in w's latest email, plan for wwoofing was not nixed. i'm mucho excited for that. and for corsica next summer.
- a little behind in work. not too much, but too much. y'know.
+ seriously, i'd marry john mayer in a heartbeat. a HEARTBEAT. god, so mind-blowing-ly good.
- forgot to call gym.
+ good day in school where i convinced jFo to let us watch (ridiculously over-dramatic) frankenstein movie instead of presenting creative connections (which i didn't do. still need to).
+ hearing back from people who care about me.
++++++ slow dancing in a burning room.
+ ESL and salsa tomorrow! YES. i'm gonna miss my kids so much.
+ got an email from elaine, ESL super, who said i could probably do summer school with them.
- lizzie has been poking me for about two or three months. but i refuse to give in, so i admit, i've been poking back.
+ maybe visit john during wwoof? ha. no. expensive.
+ whadda Y'ALL think? WW or UVM?
+ no. i'm going to warren wilson, yes i am, thanks for asking. get into that mindset.
- mkay. as you can tell, i'm running out of things. bedtime.
+ buona sera, regazzi.