Oct 16, 2011 21:00
Hey everyone, time sort of got away from me and so my plans to possibly do Quidditch try outs fell through. Instead I'd love to post a possible team and handwave that there's been practice going on and everyone can work with what they'd like. I'm going to put the characters and positions that I recall and if I've missed someone, comment and I'll change things. Thanks for your patience.
Team Captain/Beater-Will Scarlett
Seeker-Renee Montoya
Chaser-Totila-blond Theo
Chaser-Kate Kane
Chaser-Jane Rizzoli
Keeper-Teja-dark Theo
Also I was thinking it might be fun to do a post for one of the games and make them like party posts involving people in the stands, the general game going on and stuff before and after. I'd love suggestions and ideas.
*game : elusive jobberknoll