GIF : 2010 Apr 09 Musical Chairs @ Shounen Club

May 05, 2010 18:26

Erichanyamapiislove , Musical Chairs Gifs as you wished ^^

Disclaimer : Ask Erichan!! Yabu's stomach is not mine.
But curiosity killing me! what's Yabu's boxer brand??

9 April 2010 Jumping Paradise @ Shounen Club
Credit raw file : puppeteer8 :D

1st round start!!

2nd round start!!!

HikaNooYamaJima're dancing, so adorable ^_______^


It should be Final Round but...*cough*DAICHANYOUCHEATD*cough*
Our 3 competitors saying about their feelings :P

puccynon2 Titichan already posted Daichan Gif then I'll skip Daichan~
But I won't skip Ryutaro's part ^^ My mom said "This boy's so cute" She said it twice! XD (Actually, she ignored the other 9!)
Come on Eimirchan ai_star Keito & Ryutaro're here~!

And this's bonus for you, Erichan♪ Professional but sexy but why you have a mushroom hair style Yabu :P


okamoto keito, yaotome hikaru = light, arioka daiki, nakajima yuto, Inoo Kei is my sweet sin♥, yamada ryousuke, morimoto ryutaro, yabu kota = shadow. he's in everywhere, gif☆, takaki yuya = sexy butts, chinen yuri, shounen club

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