Round Two: Winners

Apr 04, 2012 09:11

Congratulations to everyone who participated! Everyone did a great job.

And now, our winners!


with a grand total of 2600 points.. )

admin: winners, round: two

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rinkafic April 6 2012, 17:05:53 UTC

So, this was really hard to decide!  I hope I'm not making this difficult.  
I am not picky when it comes to style, I love mixtures of text and graphics.  I'd love some icons I can use with the AU 'verses that I have been writing other stuff in.  I tossed some pics in a photobucket, but I am happy with any the artist uses, since I don't know how the quality and size will work with these.

The Mutant 'verse is a crossover/fusion of Stargate Atlantis with the X-men, so any graphics that are X-men-like that the artist chooses would be fine by me.

These are the fills I used in that 'verse:
Mutant 'verse
5 Things That Happened to Evan at School
X is for Marking Your Spot
New Horizons
Fandoms: Stargate Atlantis/X-men
Characters: Lorne, Parrish, Cadman, Porter
Actors: Kavan Smith, Jonathon Young, Jaime Ray Newman, Nicole De Boer

Time Shift 'verse (I would love the text "Time Shift 'verse" if it could be fit in)
I is for I...
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Lorne, Parrish, Cadman
Actors: Kavan Smith, Jonathon Young, Jaime Ray Newman

Goddess 'verse
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis

Characters: Lorne, Parrish, Cadman, Porter
Actors: Kavan Smith, Jonathon Young, Jaime Ray Newman, Nicole De Boer
Here's thumbnails, I linked to the photobucket image

It was too big for the comment, so here's a link to thumbnails on my journal:


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