AMNESTY: 3 graphics

Apr 03, 2012 22:04

Author: mizz_destiny
Fandoms: Good Omens/Indiana Jones/007, Tortall, Person of Interest
AU: demons/angels, law enforcement, alternate societies

Title: The Adversary
Fandom: Good Omens/Indiana Jones/007
Prompt: demons/angels
Medium: art
Rating: G
Warnings: vague spoilers for Good Omens

Title: Welcome to Corus
Fandom: Tamora Pierce, Tortall
Prompt: law enforcement
Medium: art
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Notes: inspired by a comment_fic prompt.
Summary:In a modern day Corus, Alanna Trebond has just become the first female detective sergeant. Not only does she have to deal with an assignation plot against the king and a flirty thief, but her fellow officers are not the most welcoming bunch.

Title: Program of Interest
Fandom: Person of Interest
Prompt: alternate societies
Medium: art
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Captain Reese has been conscripted yet again into service. He's supposed to fly the Hudson Run, fraught with pirates and con-men. The AI on this ship though, seems to think there is more going on with the Company then anyone is aware of.

amnesty, prompt: alternate societies, fandom: james bond, prompt: demons / angels, prompt: law enforcement, round: two, player: mizz_destiny, fandom: person of interest, fandom: good omens, medium: art, fandom: tamora pierce, fandom: indiana jones

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