BINGO- Straight Line (Horizontal)

Mar 31, 2012 22:13

Author: dylogger
Fandoms: DCU, BBC Merlin, American Dragon: Jake Long, DCAU (Batman Beyond)
AU: elves, selkie, wild card, fandom, werewolves

My Card

Title: Perched
Fandom: DCU
Prompt: elves
Medium: art
Rating: PG
Warnings: none

Title: Welcome to Avalon
Fandom: Merlin
Prompt: selkies
Medium: art
Rating: PG
Warnings: implied nudity
Summary: Arthur meets Freya at the Lake of Avalon.

Title: Sir Damian
Fandom: Merlin
Prompt: wild card
Medium: art
Rating: g
Warnings: none

Title:  As the Mind Sees
Fandom: AD:JL
Prompt: fandom
Medium: fic
Rating: G
Warnings: off-screen character death
Summary: "And now I have to kill his sister. She's stronger than he is, you know," she said, disregarding the comment about dragons being human. It was impossible, despite what she had seen and read.

Title: Wonder
Fandom: Batman Beyond
Prompt: werewolves
Medium: fic
Rating: G
Warnings: Nope.
Summary: Terry's grandfather needs to know about Terry's conception.

player: dylogger, prompt: selkie, bingo: straight line, medium: fic, round: two, prompt: wild card (other), prompt: elves, prompt: fandom, medium: art, fandom: comics: dcu, fandom: american dragon: jake long, prompt: werewolves, fandom: merlin

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