BINGO: Cross

Jan 16, 2012 23:54

BINGO: cross
Author: mizface
Fandoms: due South, High School Musical, Angel: the Series, Scarecrow & Mrs. King
AU: Superheroes/Superpowers, Adventurers, Wild Card (Deities/Higher Powers), Demons/Angels, Explorers, Early 20th Century, Dragons, Myth, Diplomats
Medium: Fic (7) and art (2)

Title: untitled ficlet
Prompt: superheroes/superpowers
Rating: G
Fandom: Scarecrow & Mrs. King
Pairing: None
Summary: Lee and Amanda discuss an upcoming mission

Title: Not-so Chance Meeting
Prompt: Adventurers
Rating: G
Fandom: due South
Summary: Half-elven thief Ray is sent to work with a new, temporary partner - Paladin Fraser

Title: Late Night Conversation
Prompt: Wild Card (Deities/Higher Powers)
Rating: G
Fandom: High School Musical/Angel: the Series
Pairing: None
Summary: Timestamp for my Oracle ‘verse

Title: (In Heaven, an Angel is) Nobody in Particular
Prompt: Demons/Angels
Rating: G
Fandom: due South
Pairing: Fraser/Kowalski pre-slash
Summary: Ray is pretty sure someone in Heaven is out to get him.

Title: Arizona Danforth & Ryan ‘Don’t call me Jane’ Evans
Prompt: Explorers
Rating: G
Fandom: High School Musical
Pairing: Chad/Ryan
Summary: Chibi art

Title: Chibi Fraser, Ray and Ray
Prompt: Early 20th Century
Rating: G
Fandom: due South
Pairing: Fraser/Kowalski
Summary: Chibi art of characters from my AU A Winning Hand ‘verse (Prohibition Era).

Title: Betwixt & Between
Prompt: Dragons
Rating: G
Fandom: due South
Pairing: Fraser/Kowalski pre-slash
Summary: Takes place in my Pern AU ‘verse (previous fics on AO3)

Title: Animal Crackers
Prompt: Myth
Rating: PG
Fandom: due South
Pairing: None
Summary: part of my krkavec ‘verse, in which Ray is a Raven/Trickster. Time to discuss the “Fraser situation.”

Title: A Beginning
Prompt: Diplomats
Rating: G
Fandom: due South
Pairing: None
Summary: Fraser watches as the retinue stops for the night.

fandom: due south, prompt: explorers, prompt: diplomats, round: two, prompt: dragons, fandom: angel, prompt: adventurers, medium: fic, prompt: early 20th century, prompt: myth, bingo: cross, prompt: demons / angels, fandom: scarecrow & mrs. king, fandom: high school musical, prompt: superheroes / superpowers, player: mizface, medium: art, prompt: deities / higher powers

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