AMNESTY: Three Fics

May 01, 2011 00:48

Author: jennytork
Fandoms: Supernatural<
AU: FREE SPACE, Historical: Regency, Alternate History: Major Historical Event changed

Title: Intervention
Prompt: Free Space
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Summary: What if Castiel never gave up the search for God?

Title: Never Warm
Prompt: Historical: Regency
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Note: Of all the prompts on the card, this was the one that gave me nightmares. "Regency". I'm a gen writer, not a romance writer. All I knew of "Regency" was that it seemed to be code for "sappy romance". So one day at church (after the service), I bummed my husband's laptop and looked up "Regency". I found it was a specific period of history, pre-Victorian. I also found out that right at the tail end of it, a massive volcanic explosion produced "The Year Without A Summer".

Once that was in my head -- the story wrote itself.

SUMMARY: A quiet moment between jobs.

Title: Paper Trail
Prompt: Alternate history: Major Historical Event changed
Medium: Fic
Rating: G
Summary: After the fire at Stanford, the Winchester brothers' attempts to go to the co-ordinates their father sent them take a bit of a detour...

amnesty, round: one, player: jennytork, fandom: supernatural, medium: fic, r: prompt: alternate history, r: prompt: historical

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