amnesty: 25 fics.

Mar 03, 2011 23:27

Author: baterina_1234
Fandoms: Supernatural, Supernatural RPS, American Idol RPS, Harry Potter
AU: Feudal Japan, Gods and Goddesses, Ancient Civilizations, Werewolves, High School, In Space, Victorian, World War II, Wild Card (Kid), Fairy Tale, Ghosts, Someone was never born, Criminals, 1960's, Band, Prison, Sports, Historical: Author's Choice (Pirates), Steampunk, Genderbent, Military, Detectives, Dystopia, Royalty & Sword and Sorcery.
Media: Fic (All)

Lol, I realized that working on a deadline makes me really productive. Especially when I want something. And I didn't even make that deadline. Damn. I forgot to post. Can I still have that personalized banner?

My Card

Title: All The Lonely People (where do they all come from?)
Prompt: Historical: Feudal Japan
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: betrayal
Summary: Lord Lucifer has betrayed Sam, one of his samurais. Sam somehow finds himself on Lord Dean’s side after that.

Title: Look My Way
Prompt: Fantasy & Supernatural: Gods and Goddesses
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: identity theft, mentions of cuts, crossover with PJO
Summary: A monster gets David. It takes his identity and runs back to the camp. Cook realizes it’s not him.

Title: Family
Prompt: Historical: Ancient Civilizations
Medium: fic
Rating: G
Warnings: mentions of war
Summary: Cook was very helpful, David amended. Especially with military things.

Title: Sweet Dogs
Prompt: Fantasy & Supernatural: Werewolves
Medium: fic
Rating: G
Warnings: crack, weird names
Summary: Sam gets a dog and names it Cheesecake. Another dog turns up in the Impala and Dean names it Oreo. Cheesecake turns out to be a werewolf named Gabriel. And Oreo? Castiel.

Title: there are shadows (but they are caused by light)
Prompt: Other: High School
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: boy/boy, sickness, angst
Summary: Jensen gets hospitalized and blinded. Jared helps him realize that miracles do happen.

Title: life on the moon (could it be any stranger?)
Prompt: Future: In Space!!!
Medium: fic
Rating: G
Warnings: crack, mentions of weird living and overpopulation in the futre
Summary: It’s 2100 and people can now live on the moon. Jensen and Jared are the first 18-year olds to experience the daily lunar lives.

Title: Preparation for the Queen
Prompt: Historical: Victorian
Medium: fic
Rating: G
Warnings: fem!Draco, little plot
Summary: Dray drags Harry along to go shopping for clothes for the party. [This is in the same post as the Genderbent!AU. There are two separate stories, but they're related.]

Title: Party
Prompt: Other: Genderbent
Medium: fic
Rating: G
Warnings: whiny!Dray
Summary: Dray can’t choose which clothes to wear. Finally, she goes out to find the party already started.

Title: Forgiving Yourself (is harder than you think)
Prompt: Historical: World War II
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13 for not so graphic death.
Warnings: betrayal, character death, angst, selling of kids, cruel!John
Summary: In need of money, John sells Sam. Dean never forgives himself for letting that happen.

Title: Mankind and Its Steps
Prompt: Historical: 1960’s
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: homophobia
Summary: summary, notes, preview for icons etc.

Title: Three’s A Crowd (but six is a team)
Prompt: Fantasy & Supernatural: Fairy Tale
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: slightly crack, betrayal, implied boy/boy pairings
Summary: Sam meets five very special people. They help him save the world.

Title: Listen (do you want to hear a secret?)
Prompt: Fantasy & Supernatural: Ghosts
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: comas, ghosts, dead people, angst
Summary: David wakes up dead. Or maybe not. He doesn’t know which ghost to believe. He then learns that no, he’s not dead. He’s in a coma and he has to find his way back to his body. Only Cook can help.

Title: Stuck at C
Prompt: Historical: Author’s Choice
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: whores, dubcon
Summary: Sam’s Captain Dean’s new whore. [I chose pirates]

Title: And the Lord said, “Let the kids come to me”
Prompt: WILD CARD [Other: Kid]
Medium: fic
Rating: G
Warnings: bad fathers, kid!angels

Title: If You Don’t Dream Big (what’s the use of dreaming?)
Prompt: Fantasy & Supernatural: Sword & Sorcery
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: boy/boy, wet dreams, future!fic (kind of)
Summary: Jared wants a Warlock. The obvious choice would be Dean, and Misha-his partner-agrees. Except the Warlock that keeps appearing in his dreams seems a much better choice. Jared can’t pick between Dean and Jensen.

Title: Natural
Prompt: Other: Sports
Medium: fic
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Summary: Jared thinks of all the things Jensen has done for him, all in the name of swimming.

Title: soldiers at war
Prompt: Other: Military
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mention of terrorism, arguments
Summary: Lieutenant General Gabriel’s in trouble. Colonel Sam sticks up for him in front of General Michael.

Title: Fathers Know Best
Prompt: Other: Royalty
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: implied Dean/Cas
Summary: King John watches his sons grows up. Wherein Dean's and Cas' fathers know what they both need.

Title: Perfection
Prompt: Future: Dystopia
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: sensitive topics about kids, crossover, incest, underage (below 15)
Summary: Surplus Sam and Surplus Dean aren’t what people think they are.

Title: Crimes of Love
Prompt: Other: Detectives
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: offscreen character death
Summary: Same post as Other: Criminals and Other: Prison, but separate stories. A murder case turns up. A teenaged girl gets drowned in holy water. Michael and Lucifer are assigned to this particular case.

Title: moonlight talks
Prompt: Other: Prison
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mentions of sex
Summary: Same post as Other: Detectives and Other: Criminals, but separate stories. After that murder, Dean and Castiel are put in prison. They deal with the problems it causes their relationship in the dead of night.

Title: A Prank is A Prank is A Prank
Prompt: Other: Criminals
Medium: fic
Rating: R
Warnings: high school kids getting into trouble, offscreen character death, vague mentions of sex
Summary: Same post as Other: Detectives and Other: Prison, but separate stories. It was supposed to be a prank. It evolved into something so much more. Castiel's POV.

Title: windy skies (our escape)
Prompt: Other: Steampunk
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: incestuous thoughts,
Summary: Dean takes Sam out to a ride in his sky boat.

Title: electrify this
Prompt: Other: Band
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language
Summary: Team Free Will encounter technical difficulties before a concert.

Title: Front of the Fire
Prompt: Alternate History: Someone was Never Born
Medium: fic
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: loss of child, Slytherin!Harry
Summary: Harry never met Ron Weasley that fateful day at platform 9 and ¾. Instead, he meets Draco Malfoy.

r: prompt: other, fandom: harry potter, amnesty, fandom: rpf: supernatural, fandom: rpf: american idol, player: baterina_1234, fandom: supernatural, medium: fic, r: prompt: alternate history, r: prompt: fantasy and supernatural, r: prompt: future, r: prompt: historical

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