Amnesty: Two Fics

Feb 28, 2011 21:08

Because I failed hard at the actual bingo part of this, but I did do something. ^^;

Author: pandionpandeus
Fandoms: Tron: Legacy, Supernatural/His Dark Materials fusion
AU: Kid fic, Animals

Title: All Just a Game
Prompt: Kidfic
Medium: fic
Rating: G
Warnings: No warnings/spoilers, but would help if you'd seen the movie to know who's who.
Summary: Clu’s in over his head when he’s told to babysit six incarnations of his worst nightmare. So, he calls Kevin for help.

Title: Daemonic Wiles
Prompt: Animals
Medium: fic
Rating: G
Warnings: animal representations of human souls (haven't met anyone who didn't like it, but who knows)
Summary: Castiel’s daemon is determined to meet the pretty owl daemon she spotted over the fence.

r: prompt: other, amnesty, player: pandionpandeus, fandom: his dark materials, fandom: supernatural, medium: fic, fandom: tron

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