solarbaby614 Fandoms: American Idol 8, Power Rangers Jungle Fury, Tower Prep, Victorious, Tribe
AU: Fantasy & Supernatural: The Afterlife, Fantasy & Supernatural: Author's Choice (Fairytale), Alternate History: Canon Event Changed, Other: Celebrities, Fantasy and Supernatural: Wizards and Witches
It's Showtime Prompt: Fantasy & Supernatural: The Afterlife
Medium: wallpaper
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: American Idol Beetlejuice!AU
This Is Not A Fairytale Prompt: Fantasy & Supernatural: Author's Choice (Fairytale)
Medium: Wallpaper
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Power Rangers Jungle Fury, RJ/Casey
Welcome to the Broken Prompt: Alternate History: Canon Event Changed
Medium: wallpaper
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Tower Prep, what if Ian had joined the Chosen
This Magic Moment Prompt: Other: Celebrities
Medium: Wallpaper
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: For the fandom of Victorious.Not my favorite of the bunch unfortunately.
She Deserves to Know Prompt: Fantasy and Supernatural: Wizards and Witches
Medium: Wallpaper
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: For the Tribe fandom.