(Belated) Kick-Off!

Aug 10, 2011 18:54

We're on our second day of posting, and there's some awesome writing and artwork coming through!!

As a reminder: Include links to both the story AND the art in the posts to the community if you have been working with an artist. Beginning tomorrow, posts from author/artist pairs will not be approved if links to both the story and the art have not been included. If your collaborator hasn't gotten their links to you when you're ready to post, please send us an email (aubigbang@gmail.com) and post to the queue. Otherwise, please don't post without links to both!

Some of today and yesterday's entries were approved without both links as we hadn't yet sent a reminder, but the new policy goes into effect tomorrow.

Now, go read awesome fic and see awesome art!

round 2, admin, posting information

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