Title: To Dream of Wings Author: Saharra Shadow Artist: chosenfire28 Fandom: Star Trek XI Pairings: Spock/Kirk/McCoy Friendship Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Pre-Slash, medical scenes, Word Count: 17,309 Summary: If there's one thing in his life that Jim Kirk had never dreamed of, it was having wings. Too bad. He might have been a little better prepared when they showed up.
Disclaimer: Except for any original characters they're not mine, but they did join me for a play date. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. This is for fun. Please treat it as such. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED.
Author's Notes: Thank you to mijan, triskellion, gone_ashore, and whiteraven1606 for the beta work, suggestions, and pointing out when I created really big plot holes. Thank you to the moderators at au_bigbang for their patience. They really have tons of it. Thanks to chosenfire28 for the beautiful poster. It was so sweet of her to do it. :D Also, please note that any remaining mistakes are solely of my own making. My betas are exceptionally good at what they do. I just tend to re-write frequently and create new mistakes…. Also, midterms are evil.