So the other day I was just digging around in the basement for no reason, and I dug up a tattered old bright green sketchbook that had lost a little weight and had some makeup on (Read: melted gray...Crayons? Grease? ???) and then I was all "ohh! I can use this!" So I took it to my room, opened it up...And laughed.
It was a not-well-used sketchbook I pooped in when I was about 9 or 10. Right before Pokemon Gold and Silver came out, but "Pokemon Neo" trading cards were. I still can't believe I held onto this crap for three years (1996-1999) damn that's impressive for a kid.
ANYWAY SOME CHOICE SCANS I drew on some hee hee
Oh god this rat guy...He was like a team rocket ripoff and there was this veloceraptor with bunny ears. Tragically, I couldn't find the raptor anywhere in here. Like, these two were Team Rocket, just Jesse and James. No one else.
Dawwww I used to have anoles. I loved those things to death. Also, dogs.
Ha ha oh man, I think this is supposed to be a chupacabra or something.
Some old geezer mon.
I can only hope what the earring-wearing...Thing has is a loincloth. But tragically, it's probably not. See, I thought marsupials were pretty cool at this time (Pokeball storage!), so...
This guy's name was "Zirzon" and he ran on 'tuded.
That's good to know.
I WANNA BE THA VERY BEST this kid had some kind of pissy sphynx not-pokemon.
Think I may have prophecized a few pokemon.
Oh man there were a few cuddly canine badass things.
YAAAAY DOGGIES and a skunk
Some gary stu bird or something.
idk what this is
Pretty sure this thing was a "legendary". And yes that is an earthworm. I don't know why.
Oh man I should draw these guys in a Disney shit style to reflect on my next gimmick.