Title: And Still
Fandom: Smallville
Characters: Chloe, Clark, a bit of a surprise character
Rating: PG
Prompt: Sight.
Word Count: 2076
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for season 7, if you somehow haven't seen it.
Disclaimer: If I owned Smallville, things would have ended a lot differently. NUFF SAID.
Summary: She knew their past had no future with just one look.
Notes: Major angst! This is the third and final story in The Shattered Hearts Trilogy. It is in no way a sequel or a prequel to either of the previous stories, it just happens to have a similar theme. This just might be the most emotional and heartfelt of the three. The mystery pairing shouldn't be a mystery at all, if you've read the previous two stories. Feedback would be loved so much! ♥
(I gave my best smile But I was dying inside...)