Jun 21, 2009 12:52
Wellllllllll my first week of work is over. All in all, not so bad.
The supervisors this year are awesome, we have tons of fun.
A little girl told me I sounded like a librarian, and so therefore I should quit my job and be one :)
Another little girl marveled at my grey hairs. Apparently grey is the new blonde in the land of OH GOD DON'T PUT THAT IN YOUR MOUTH. Which is basically my new slogan.
Other than that, the kids are awesome, they're all excited about arts and crafts, so that's nice for a change (last year I'd put all this effort into putting things together and like...2 kids would do it) and they're all pretty funny too. Should be a good year.
Thirty hours a week is definitely killing me a little bit, especially with getting ready for student teaching. I definitely come home, instantly pass out on the couch for an hour, and then up and research ideas until the will to run around in the nice weather is too much to ignore :) But don't get me wrong, I'm extremely happy to have the hours, I'm not even sure how they managed to give them to me (pretty sure aides aren't supposed to get more than 20 a week) but I'm certainly not going to question it, I've got some serious debt to pay off (like, three credit cards worth...oops).
Friday night was Zara's birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZARA! and it was a blast. Went to Vinology for dinner, which I've been wanting to do ever since I saw it installed next to my favorite tea place. Met some cool people, ate some seriously expensive fish and cheese insert-word-here-that-i-couldn't-pronounce and drank wine like I was rich and fancy. When we ran out of money we all hopped back to Zara's, changed into whatever clothes we could find in her closet (I looked awesome in cloud pajamas) and ran around in the torrential downpour. Probably the most fun I've had in a long while, running up and down the streets in very little clothing and jumping in puddles as people drove past and looked at us like we were psychotic. Good times.
Saturday night was the last Ypsilanti house party, and it was HUGE. I've never seen so many people shoved onto one lawn. Campfire and drinks ensued until someone brought out the slip and slide. Nothing better than a handful of girls running around in their bathing suits at 1:30 in the morning. Plus the guys had water balloons so it was really more like slip and slide dodgeball, which was a blast. Safe to say, a great way to ring out an awesome year, I'll miss that house, but I'm sure we'll all find some new place to party and watch Grey's.
Today I get to make a mad scientist out of construction paper, burn as much of the excess leaves and twigs as I can, write a half a paper, and hope I can get the pile of dirt that is supposed to be my backyard in order by next weekend for the bonfire!