Highlights from the past few days.
#1. Driving home from a movie downtown, with my windows down enjoying the summer night. I passed the Hostess bakery, and my car was filled with the scent of twinkies.
#2. Meeting my friend Holly on the
Wonderland Trail, and just enjoying the wildflowers, and spectacular weather. I brought her some food, and I had a six pack of Rainer in my pack. I hiked about 8 miles the first day, and another 15 yesterday. (pictures behind the cut)
#3. Seafood fest in Ballard. I spent way too much money on overpriced food, but I enjoyed it. I picked up a bag of kettle corn, and walked back to the apartment with my friends. My roommate Marc, mixed up some tasty cocktails for everyone, and we gorged ourselves on the kettle corn and watched Zoolander.
#4. Looking forward to my kickball game tomorrow. I plan on ripping my kickball shirt sleeves off as I approach the plate to kick. This will surely cause the other team to tremble in fear, or my own team to laugh their asses off. I think that it might be a little from column A, and a little from column B.
Rainiers at Rainer