Mar 23, 2006 02:50
Its been a while since the last update, and now youre gonna get an earload. Ive learned so many things in my short 21 years on this earth, but I am still learning...There are so many random little tid-bits that I have in my brain..its like why do I know this useless knowledge when I could have put that space in my brain to good learning Mandarin Chineese instead of knowing that you can swallow a pint of your own blood before vomiting. The important facts are this:
You can base a womans perception of those around her by how she treats a waiter or waitress
You can see a mans soul when you see him play with his pet
The unexpected kisses and "youre sexy"s are the best, even if the person complimenting you is drunk
Dressing sexy is never enough
For every hot woman out there, there is a man who thinks she is a cunt
The most sensitive sensory system is scent
Cartoons are still funny
8 hours of sleep is way too much
and I think too much when I drink
All this randomness isnt really centered around one thing, its just babble, but I have no one else to babble to....I need sleep, I need food, and I need sex..Goodnight