Are you a Gleek?

Sep 24, 2009 21:30

I spent almost two hours last night downloading music from Glee and just looking up random pics and schtuff from that show. I'm sooooo in love with it! It's my two favorite things: musical(s) and great actors! The guy who created the show, Ryan Murphy, apparently created a show a while back called Popular, which my boyfriend was a huge fan of, so he likes the show too. I can't wait for the official Glee CD to be released in November. I proudly wave my geek flag and proclaim: I AM A GLEEK! So, today was quite an odd day for me vibe wise; it was just a little off for me. I ended up going to see Jennifer's Body by myself (because Zeke was still at work) and it was pretty good. I was the only one in the movie theater and Amanda Seyfried was amazing, as always. Megan Fox sure can play crazy very well, but I think that just might be because of her personality, not because of her acting skills. he he. I had an amazingly yummy chicken ceasar salad sandwich from Panera for dinner and loved it (even though it was quite pricey). Oh, while I'm thinking about it, my bf is so wonderful because he bought me the new Aromachologie Shampoo from his store that helps with itchy scalp! I don't have dandruff, but my scalp does get irritated, so it's the perfect shampoo and conditioner set for me. I tried the samples and now I have full size bottles, thanks to my babe! He also bought himself some DIVINE CREAM from his store and it came with this amazingly beautiful case of Immortelle travel-size products. He's so excited to use it tonight because he also used the sample and loved it. OMG...totally random note: there was a 63 yr old woman that threw herself off the 3rd story of the mall my babe works at, this past Sunday (before he started officially working). Isn't that EFFING CRAZY???? Jeez. I don't even know what I'd do if I had been working that day and saw an old lady pancake herself on the bottom floor. =\ I mean, I did see a guy thrown off a bridge when I was downtown my freshman year of college, and I know how traumatizing and surreal that was... sooo, yeah. =|

Well, I'm still waiting to hear from the District Manager of Old Navy Outlet, but I understand he's SUPER BUSY, since he's in charge of the stores all the way up to New Hampshire and all the way down to Miami, FL. I am, however, hoping to hear from him tomorrow because the current Service and Training Manager that's at the store I'll be working at has her last day this Saturday and from what Michelle and Paris told me, the store's in desperate need of a boost in training and CES scores (which I KNOW I'll be able to raise up when I start working there). So, I'm going to remain incredibly positive because my gut just knows that I'll get a call tomorrow and that I have this job. As I've explained before: Zeke has intuitive feelings and I just get gut instincts that I act on. He's very feeling, where as I'm very action oriented with my intuition. :) :)  Sooooo, anyway...

Here's today's devotional:

Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame. - ISAIAH 50:7//////////Through the Darkness

Are you going through a dark time in your life? Perhaps somebody deceived you, took advantage of you, or mistreated you, and now you are tempted to sit around mourning over what you have lost, thinking about how unfair it was, and how your life will never be the same. You may be weary and tired, worn down, and ready to give up.

You must get out of that defeated mentality and start thinking and believing positively. There is no reason for you to be perpetually living "under the circumstances," always down, always discouraged. Your attitude should be: I'm coming out of this thing! No matter how many times you get knocked down, keep getting back up. God sees your resolve. He sees your determination. And when you do everything you can do, that's when God will step in and do what you can't do.

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