I was a poetry writing machine this evening!

Aug 23, 2009 20:56

I wrote new poems both for American Literary Review and The Robert Frost Foundation. I feel very, very good about entering these contests, especially because of the caliber of poems that I wrote for each of them. I'm going to enter some of them into other contests too, just to cast my net out far and wide! I think this will be the beginning of something BEAUTIFUL for my writing career!!! So, I was supposed to spend today cleaning and getting things packed and ready, and as usual, I'm the King of Procrastination. I'll have to get up early tomorrow to get everything done and ready for my flight out of Dulles on Tuesday. My flight doesn't leave until 11:30am, but we have to leave here around 7am or 7:30am just to factor in time for 8 o'clock traffic heading into DC. Lordy, traffic on I95 is the DEVIL! Well, today was a great day and right now I'm watching WWE Summer Slam on Pay-Per-View. I convinced my dad to buy it becuase they have so many great matches going on tonight. I'm incredibly pleased that Rey Misterio retained his InterContinental title. :) That guy is such a tiny wrestler at like 5'5" and flies around the ring like a Mexican chipmunk on crack. Ha ha ha ha.

Oh, last night a certain someone happened to comment on my friend's FB, even though they said they'd never talk to me again, so I figured I'd take the high road and sent them a message offering a semi-peace treaty. They, however, did NOT take it, so I wipe my hands clean of it and definitely feel like my Karma was cleared with that one. I can move on now and don't have to feel like it's dragging me down anymore or poisoning my aura with leftover crap.

P.S. Degeneration X just beat Legacy and I couldn't be MORE PLEASED! I frickin' hate Legacy! WOOT WOOT! Way to go Degeneration X!

P.P.S. Randy Orton retained his title and CM Punk won the title from Jeff Hardy. BOOOO!!!!!

So, here's today's devotional:

He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" - REVELATION 21:5//////////Everything New

I know a man who lost his beautiful wife. in a tragic auto accident more than ten years ago, and he's still grieving today! I tried to encourage him, but he constantly made excuses, blaming God, blaming other people. I realized that he didn't really want to get well. He liked the attention that it got him. He became known as "the man who lost his wife." He even had several newspaper articles about that accident lying on his coffee table to remind him of the pains of the past. Sadly, he let his tragedy become his identity. To this day he is living a depressed and defeated life. He allowed a season of mourning ot turn into a lifetime of mourning.

God wants to give us new beginnings, but He can't until we let go of the old.

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