Nov 24, 2006 21:06
Alright. Thanksgiving. There is about half the family here, and I am about to go crazy...if I already wasn't crazy. It would be easy to go on about the deep seeded family crap that I go through every year at this point, but I will not skip right to the conclusions this time. I like to lay all the bits out and see what it is that comes up. With out further ado: The Crappiest Thanksgiving Since the TIme I Puked on the Stairs.
Even before I decided to try and make it up here there were problems with getting here. My mother decided to take the trip with her new boyfriend instead. She said she wanted time alone with him, and I would get in the way of them catching up on their lives. She suggested that I should ride with my sister with her husband and two kids to Iowa. I thought about all the baby baggage that they have to bring with them, and the minivan that all this stuff is crammed into. There wasn't room there no way would I be able to squeeze myself plus my stuff in their car. Then she suggested my brother. The one I don't even see on Christmas. The one that only showed up for Thanksgiving once since the divorce to pay his respects to our dead great grandmother. The brother who vowed to end the lives of everyone who contributed to his current state. Ok I made the last part up, but you understand. There was no way there. Then she suggested I rent a car with the money and the liscence I have. I am surprised she didn't ask me to hitch hike it there.
There were a few family friends leaving a day later than what everyone was arriving at, so I called them up to see if I could catch a ride with them. I got a relieving affirmative, and my family visit was once again secure. There would be my aunts, my uncles, cousins, drinking, games, drinking games, golf, laughter, and a lot of catching up. Goodtimes put shortly.
Not so much. I got brief looks of acknowldgement of the pain in the ass it was to get up here. I think it hurt even more to know that they knew too; in full comprehension of the crap that she pulls and not a one of them will support me in talking to her about it...Whatever. Cheryl (mom) floats in the wind and if they try and put some direction to her she'll fly away. She did with the family once, and trying to talk to her means she'll do it again. On top of this dynamic half of everyone didn't show because they had work, Stacy the mom of the house was in a bad mood the entirety of the stay. She didn't even want those of us who were here to play Catch Phrase at 10 o'clock at night because it was too late. My cousins and I were in accord that there were quite a few egg shells on the floor this year. Yeah good thing I am a bull in a China shop. There were a lot of broken dishes by the time I called it quits and decided to write this down.
I look at the friends I have and who I am around them. And I see the way I am here. There is no contest. I choose my friends they should be better, but I shouldn't feel this way around family members either. There is Matt and Andy, my sis, Brian, and the teenaged funky bunch. This is the family I will remember. I went golfing today, and that was a saving grace. Oh and I got to post here. So there ya go.