Yeah...I was (am) irritated with a brochure thing I have to make for this stupid popsicle stick bride project, so I made that.
...I think I'll probably be turning in another version though if I manage to finish something before falling asleep. I wanna go to bed so badly and it's only 7:30, that's how much my schedule at school sucks.
Yeah, in other news, my parents sold our house. We'll be moving somewhere around mid-May. I'm already planning the massive going away/birthday party I'm going to have. I finally finished applying to UCF and Waterloo. Now the months of anxiety begin.
Beau agreed to come up to Tennessee to hang out with me for awhile this summer while I'm living up there, which made me happy, obviously because I want to hang out with Beau, and then also because I wasn't living thirty miles from the Appalachians for any period of time without doing some camping, and that would have sucked alone.
I also mixed the absolute best indie cd ever a few days ago.