Well. Today was crap. Had Maths - did nothing! Then
Art - again nothing! Morning Tea - can't remember! Marine Studies
- carried boats and bottles - cleaning up after camp! Lunch - got
pissed off with Jason, cuz I was really sick and ...! Then English - I
was so fucked up that I didn't really notice what was going on.
It was a bit of a blur.
Mum picked us (sister and I) up and went to Station Square. Got a
tax pack and cardboard. Came home. Ate. Bummed on the
lounge and slept till 6pm. Dad came home. Got the
shits. Came to my room. Filled out Tax stuff. Asked
mum how to do it. She cracked up. "Why should I help you,
you never help me" etc etc. The stupid bitch mother-daughter
shit. I cracked right up. Went to my room. Threw
everything that I could get my hands on. Punched the wall a few
times (my knuckes hurt). Came back out to find my papers.
They weren't there. I yelled at them "give me my fucking papers
back" they said no. I got the shits real bad. I don't even
remember what I did besides throw an apple at the door. Went to
room once again. Started punching the wall again. Played
music as loud as possible. Got told to turn it down like 20
times. I told them to go fuck themselves and that I hated them
all. Blah Blah Blah...I don't remember.
Then came on here. So that was my day. I hope everyone else had a better one!
Fuck I am so pissed off. I haven't even asked dad whether I can
go out tomorrow night, cuz I know what the answer is going to be anyway
cuz he is the biggest bastard (well just very protective of me -
lately). He hates me going out. He hates me drinking with
others instead of him. He hates me smoking (he has to live with
that). Which reminds me. I had a drag yesterday afternoon
and couldn't stop throwing up. So I don't think I will be having
another one anytime soon. Thats probably why I am so sick
now. Man, I so want to go out tomorrow night. Oh well, it
will have to be next weekend that I get fucked (by alcohol) and
everyone is coming with me !! Right guys??
Yes well as I said, I would post some pictures of my cousins. Tara (3 and a half years) Slade (2 in September)
Taken about March
April 2005
Taken about March/April 2005
This was taken last Xmas (2005)